Radiant zodian
Radiant zodian

Its nodules are highly sought-after for their iridescent properties.” Tepa nodules are used in manufacturing a variety of Fortuna-related items.Ī byproduct from the Weeping Towers’ terraforming process.Ī common resource found in Thermal Sludge Canisters located in Corpus facilities in the Orb Vallis, in resource containers on the Vallis, or as a mission reward from Fortuna bounties. Tepa Plants are described as “A plant that thrives in frigid environments. The iridescent nodules on these plants glow brightly in cold environments.Ī common resource found in Tepa Plants growing in caves on the Orb Vallis, in resource containers on the Vallis, or as a mission reward from Fortuna bounties. Mytocardia Sacs are described as “This sprouting fungal body protects and conceals Mytocardia spores, its hidden treasure.” Mytocardia spores are used in manufacturing a variety of Fortuna-related items. Gorgaricus spores are used in manufacturing a variety of Fortuna-related itemsĪ fungal body prized for its varied uses.Ī common resource found in Mytocardia Sacs in fungal forests on the Orb Vallis, from resource containers on the Vallis, or as a mission reward from Fortuna bounties. The reproductive spore of the giant Vallis fungi is highly coveted for the complex chemical compounds it contains.Ī common resource dropped from Gorgaricus Sacs hanging from the Orb Vallis fungi, from resource containers on the Vallis, or as a mission reward from Fortuna bounties.

Radiant zodian